Study on the utility of a statewide counseling program for improving outcomes of patients with staphylococcal bacteremia in Thuringia
Center for Infectious Diseases and Infection Control, Jena University Hospital
Bloodstream infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus (SAB) are common infections associated with a high lethality. SAB substantially differ from bloodstream infections caused by other pathogens in regard to complications, diagnosis and treatment. In the clinical routine, the disease severity is often underestimated. Recently published data from non-randomized and retrospective studies show that patient counseling by infectious disease (ID) specialists significantly improves the survival and reduces the length of hospital stay as well as complication rates of the patients. However, only a small number of hospitals in Germany have access to ID specialists. As such, in the federal state of Thuringia with 2.2 million inhabitants, only 3 ID specialists are currently working in wards.
Support is a controlled cluster-randomized multi-center trial. With this trial, we aim at investigating the hypothesis that state-wide unsolicited ID counseling improves the outcome of patients with SAB. Within 3 years, we will include 500 patients with SAB of which 250 will receive unsolicited ID specialist counseling and 250 will receive standard of care. SAB cases occurring in Thuringia are reported using the AlertsNet platform. Treating physicians will then be contacted by phone in order to provide case specific counseling. Outcome, disease course and complications of the patients will be monitored for 90 days. Our expectation is that adherence to ID specialist recommendations improves the outcome of patients with SAB.