Applications for
♦ admission as a doctoral candidate
♦ change the supervisor
♦ change the title/subject (also when changing the language of the title from English to German or German to English)
♦ withdrawal of admission as a doctoral candidate
♦ opening of the promotion procedure
♦ withdrawal of the opening of the doctoral procedure/of the dissertation
must be approved at the Faculty meeting. To be considered at the next Faculty meeting, documents must be received in the Dean´s Office two weeks prior to the meeting.
Applications for extension of the submission deadline, disputation in English, obtaining the Ph.D: instead of the Dr. rer. nat. degree, exceeding the page limit, and cumulative doctoral degreed are not bound by these dealines.
Applications for publication-based dissertation and Applications for change the title/subject must always be made before submitting the application for the opening of the doctoral procedure and the 4 bound copies. The paper, which is to be the basis of the dissertation, will be examined. If it turns out afterwards that the paper was not allowed to be the basis, the 4 copies were printed uselessly.
Instead of inspection of the reviews on site you can send us an informal application (by E-Mail). After checking we can send you the reviews by post. BUT: The inspection is only possible until 2 weeks before the defense, because then we send the files to the doctoral committee.
dates faculty council meeting | deadline |
14.01.2025 | 23.12.2024 |
11.02.2025 |
28.01.2025 |
11.03.2025 | 25.02.2025 |
08.04.2025 | 25.03.2025 |
Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Dr. rer. nat. PhD. Dr. rer. medic.
Promotion & Implementing Regulations
This is just available in German.
- Promotionsordnung der Medizinischen Fakultät_Stand 2023
- Durchführungsbestimmung Dr. rer. medic.
- Publikationspromotion
Recognition of publications from the period before acceptance as a
doctoral candidate (resolution of the Faculty Council on 14.11.2017)
According to § 4 para. 1 of the General Provisions for the Doctoral Regulations of the Faculties of the FSU of July 6, 2017, the following applies: "Anyone who fulfills the admission requirements according to § 3 and intends to write a dissertation must apply to the relevant faculty of the FSU for acceptance as a doctoral candidate before starting work on the dissertation."
This means that for publication-based doctorates, the date of submission of the relevant
publication as first author must be after the date of acceptance as a doctoral candidate.
Beschluss des Fakultätsrates auf der Sitzung am 09.11.2021:
In Promotionsverfahren
a) gehören Erst- und ZweitbetreuerIn unterschiedlichen Struktureinheiten an und
b) zur Erlangung des Dr. rer. nat. / Ph.D. gehört eine(r) von beiden Betreuern einer naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät an (auch durch Zweitmitgliedschaft).
Präzisierung des Beschlusses auf der Sitzung am 10.05.2022: Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass „gehört an“ bedeutet, dass eine/ein laut Promotionsordnung Betreuungsberechtigte/-r über einen Abschluss als „Dr. rer. nat.“ verfügt.
The legal basis for the doctorate at the Friedrich Schiller University, and especially at the Medical Faculty are
- General Doctoral Examination Regulations of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
- Course of Examination for Doctoral Candidates of the Medical Faculty of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Legal note: These english versions are for your information only. The legal basis for the Course of Examination for Doctoral Candiates and the General Doctoral Examination Regulations of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena are the original German texts).
Please read these regulations carefully. They contain important information about the acceptance as a doctoral candidate, and the conditions for the course of examination.
Acceptance as a Doctoral Candidate
Step 1: Supervision Agreement
An agreement is to be concluded between the future doctoal candidate and the supervisor.
The topic of the dissertation, the time and work schedule as well as the tasks and duties of the future doctoral student and the supervisor are defined. The time and work schedule should be drawn up broadly, since daleys can always occur due to illness or vacation.
It should also be noted that according to the current doctoral regulations, acceptance as a doctoral student is for 3 years. A one-time extension of 3 years is possible according to § 6 (1) Sentence 3 of the doctoral regulations. The total duration of a doctorate is thus a maximum of 6 years.
Regular extension requests for the submission of the dissertation will thus be eliminated in the future, since acceptance will be automatic for 3 or 6 years. However, if the supervision agreement specifies a different date that does not correspond to the 3 or 6 years, the supervisor and the doctoral candidate must come to an agreement. The Dena´s Office or the date of acceptance then have nothing to do with the date regulated in the supervision agreement.
- Betreuungsvereinbarung der Medizinischen Fakultät
- Merkblatt Betreuungsvereinbarung_de
- Supervision Agreement of the Medical Faculty (englisch)
- Fact Sheet Supervisor Agreement (englisch)
Step 2: Registration at doc-in
Please registrate at the online portal of the Graduate Academy. The online portal doc-in manages all promotions electronically. Here, the electronic doctoral files can be viewed and the doctoral progress can be followed.
Via doc-in (registration) you get to the login page. Enter your user data under the menu item "Registration". Once this has been done, you can apply for acceptance as a doctoral candidate under "Application for doctorate".
Adress changes/contact changes/name changes must be kept current at all times and still be communicated to the Dena´s Office via E-Mail.
Step 3: Submission of the application for admission as a doctoral candidate
Submission of documents is possible in person during the designated opening hours (consultation hours) or by post at any time.
→ fully completed and signed application form (original signatured of the doctoral candidate and the supervisor)
→ current and signed CV outlining personal and professional history
→ work and time schedule
→ copy of the fully completed and signed supervisor agreement
→ Declaration of commiment in original with original signature Declaration of commitment
→ copy of personal document (passport, idetity card)
→ officially certified copy of the university certificate (simple copy, if the certificate is from the FSU) or
current certificate of study
→ officially certified German or English translation, if the certificate is not in German or English language
Step 4: Decision on Admission as a docotral student by Fakulty Council
The request will be discussed at the next Faculty Council meeting and a decision on acceptance will be made. Written notification of the decision will be provided.
It should be noted that according to the current doctoral regulations, admission as a docotral student is for 3 years. A one-time extension of 3 years is possible according to § 6 (1) Sentence 3 of the doctoral regulations. The total duration of a doctorate is thus a maximum of 6 years.
Regular extension applications for the submission of the dissertation will therefore no longer be necessary in the future, as acceptance is automatic for 3 or 6 years.
You can also find the essential procedure of the doctoral process once again here.
Procedure of the promotion
Step 1: Transfer of the promotion fee
The doctoral fee is 130,00 Euro according to the currently valid version of the fee schedule of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (gebuehrenordnung-uni-jena.pdf).
Please transfer the fee to the following account of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland):
Receiver: Universität Jena
IBAN: DE97 8305 3030 0000 0002 21
Please indicate the following reason for payment:
"Doctoral Fee Last name, First name(s)"
Step 2: Submission of the application for opening the doctoral procedure
Submission of documents is possible in person during the designated opening hours (consultation hours) or by post at any time.
→ fully completed and signed application form, which is to be generated via doc-in (original
signatured of the doctoral candidate)
→ 4 bound copies of the dissertation
Important note: The reviewers themselves are not to be listed in the dissertation, since they are appointed only in the
meeting of the faculty council (see step 3)!
→ signed declaration of honor
→ current and signed CV outlining personal and professional history
→ if avaiable: signed list of scientific publications and lectures
→ official certificate of good conduct (document type O - it has to be sent to us from Bonn and it must not be
older than 3 months!) or proof of affiliation to the public service (current certificate of the
employer about the employment relationship)
→ officially certified copy of university certificate (if available in the meantime and not yet submitted) or
current certificate of study
→ Receipt for payment of the doctoral fee in the amount of 130,00 Euro
→ Supervisor´s review proposals (may be submitted by supervisor) sample expert proposals
→ Dissertation abstract as a PDF file with full name and dissertation topic sent to
(according to the Faculty Council decision of 13.12.2011)
→ for publication promotion: share declarations
Note: The Acceptance letter as well as any extension requests and their confirmations or page number overrun requests and their confirmation do not have to be submitted again. These are available to us in the file.
Step 3: Opening of the procedure by Faculty Council
The Faculty Council decides on the opening of the doctoral procedure in the Facukty Council meeting and appoints the committee members. The decision is communicated in writing.
Step 4: Obtaining reviews and display time period
As soon as the Faculty Council has approved the opening of the doctoral procedure, the reviewers are contacted with the request to review the dissertation. The reviews received are deposited in doc-in, so that the doctoral candidate can see how many reviews have already been received. As soon as all three reviews have been received, the dissertation and the reviews are made available to the university teachers and habilitated faculty members for two weeks.
The display time period always begins with the next following Faculty Council meeting.
Notes for reviewers:
Criteria for the Evaluation of Dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine
Step 5: Acceptance of the dissertation
After the two-week display time period, the doctoral committee decides on the acceptance and overall grade of the dissertation. The decision will be communicated in writing.
After the written notification, upon informal request, it is possible to inspect the reviews. But inspection is possible only up to 2 weeks before the defense, because then we send the files to the doctoral committee.
Step 6: Finding the defense date
As soon as a defense date has been set, the doctoral office will request the doctoral candidates who are due for defense. If the date does not suit the doctoral candidate, he/she will be asked again for the next available date (usually the next month).
If a suitable date is found, the defense can take place. The final invitation will be sent as soon as all feedback has been received.
Step 7: Completion of the doctoral procedure
The Faculty Council decides on the overall grade after the candidate has passed the oral examination (and, if applicable, confirmation of fulfillment of the requirements has been received from the leader of the committee) and concludes the doctoral procedure. The decision is communicated in writing (final notice).
The certificate is now prepared ready for signature and submitted to the Dean and the Office of the President.
Step 8: Publication of the dissertation and delivery of the certificate
As soon as the doctoral candidates receive the notice of graduation, they are requested to publish the deposit copies in the Thuringian University and State Library. Information on this can be found at ThULB: Hochschulschriften (Abgabe) (
Here you can find the checklist:
The ThULB informs the Dean´s Office when the deposit copies have been published. As soon as the confirmation is received, the doctoral candidates will be sent the doctoral certificate by post.
Only when the certificate is handed over does the right to use the doctoral degree begin.
You can also find the essential procedure of the doctoral process once again here.
The doctoral fee is 130,00 Euro according to the currently valid version of the fee schedule of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (gebuehrenordnung-uni-jena.pdf).
Please transfer the fee to the following account of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland):
Receiver: Universität Jena
IBAN: DE97 8305 3030 0000 0002 21
Please indicate the following reason for payment:
"Doctoral Fee Last name, First name(s)"
Other Application forms:
- Request for extension of the submission deadline (admission as a doctoral candidate until 2019)
- Request for extension of the submission deadline (admission as a doctoral candidate since 2020)
- Application for change the title/subject
- Application for withdrawal of admission as a doctoral candidate
- Application for withdrawal of the opening of the doctoral procedure/of the dissertation
- Application for change the supervisor
- Application for exceeding the page limit
- Application for disputation in English
- Application for promotion on the basis of a publication (prior acceptance as doctoral student required)
- Share declarations for publication