In October 2021, the last three SmartAge ESRs will begin their research projects, rounding out the ESR team.
Kanni Das Shailaja from India will work as ESR7 on the topic "Microbiota-gut-brain axis: Inflammatory and immune markers during aging and following interventions" at our Beneficiary CROmed Research in Hungary. She obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Physics. Afterwards she had a brief stint as research assistant at Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Richmond, USA and later at Department of Physiology and Biophysics in the same university. Personally Kanni likes to spent time with her family, cooking, gardening and music.
Bram Nap from the Netherlands studied biotechnology at Wageningen University and Research. During his bachelor thesis, which he finished in 2018, he focused on metabolic engineering of bacteria and got familiar with different analytical and genome editing techniques. Afterwards he continued with the master biotechnology. Bram specialized in both process technology and medical biotechnology, which led to two master theses at the Systems and Synthetic Biology group at Wageningen. As SmartAge ESR13 Bram will work on the topic "Impact of microbiome-host cross-talk on decline and preservation of cognition during aging" at National University of Ireland, Galway. Personally he likes to meet with friends, playing games, reading books and listening to rock/metal music.
Myeonghyun Yoou from South Korea will work as ESR14 on the topic "Bioinformatics analysis of the gut-microbiome during aging and following late-life interventions with respect to cognitive functions" at our Beneficiary Clinical Microbiomics in Denmark. He finished 2018 his Bachelor in Genetic engineering at the KyungHee University, Yongin, Republic of Korea. In 2019 he moved to Munich, Germany for his Master thesis, which he completed at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 2021. Myeonghyun did several internships and contributed to two scientific publications. He enjoys watching series and working out on daily free time. In winter Myeonghyun is an avid skier and always on the lookout for new ski pistes.