The institute has many years of experience in the departments of Medical Statistics, Computer and Data Sciences. The tasks of the IMSID include a wide range of applications. In addition to scientifiv collaborations with clinical partners, are includes (statistical-) methological consultations for doctoral and post-doctoral candidates as well as method development and implementation. We are involved in a variety of activities in university and non-university teaching, You find more information on the following pages.
The institute is structured in three cooperating groups. These are the working groups "Medical Data Sciences" (headed by Prof. Dr. Andrè Scherag, "Medical Statistics and Epidemiology" (headed by Prof. Dr. Peter Schlattmann) and " Medical Informatics" (headed by Prof. Dr. Cord Spreckelsen).
Universitätsklinikum Jena
Institut für Medizinische Statistik, Informatik und Datenwissenschaften
Bachstraße 18 Haus 1
D-07743 Jena
Director: Prof. Dr. André Scherag
Tel.: 03641/933982 Fax: 03641/933200