IZKF / Nachwuchsförderprogramme / Graduiertenprogramme / IZKF Graduate Program Experimental Medicine / Anmeldung / Registration
Doctoral students need to:
- register in the university’s doc-in system (www.uni-jena.de/doc-in)
- apply for the admission as a doctoral student at the Medical Faculty or at the Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy (http://www.uniklinikum-jena.de/Studium/Medizinische+Fakult%C3%A4t/Akademische+Verfahren/Promotion/Antragsformulare.html; https://www.bio.uni-jena.de/en/graduate-studies-habilitation-office)
- fill in and have the supervision agreement signed, which has to be sent to the coordinator of the Graduate Program Experimental Medicine (izkf.jena@med.uni-jena.de) (see downloads)