Prof. Dr. Cornel Sieber holds the chair for Internal Medicine-Geriatrics at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany and is Director of the Institute of Biomedicine of Ageing (IBA) at the same University. He is also the chief of the Department of Geriatrics (acute care, day hospital, rehabilitation unit) at the Nürnberg-Hospital and the Nürnberg-Stift.
At the present time, he is President of the European Academy for Medicine of Ageing (EAMA) and President of the German Society of Nutritional Medicine (DGEM). In addition, he is the Past-President of the German Society of Geriatrics (DGG). He serves on the editorial Boards of different local and international journals. In addition, he is a regular referee to different German and international governmental and private foundations for different fields of Geriatric Medicine. His main research interest encompasses the field of malnutrition/sarcopenia and its relation to the frailty syndrome. (Source:
Homepage / Veranstaltungen / Vergangene Veranstaltungshinweise / Vortragsreihe "Seminars on Research in Healthy Ageing"
Hörsaal 2 | Gebäude M (Magistrale) | Universitätsklinikum Jena
- 17:15 Uhr
Frailty and sarcopenia - determinants in the care for the elderly
Prof. Dr. Cornel C. Sieber Director of the Institute of Biomedicine of Ageing (IBA) | Chair for Internal Medicine-Geriatrics | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg | Director of the Department of Geriatrics | Nürnberg-Hospital and Nürnberg-Stift

Referent: Prof. Dr. Cornel C. Sieber