C. Redies - Publications on Brain Imaging and Metabolism
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Evans, A.C., Diksic, M., Yamamoto, Y.L., Kato, A., Dagher, A., Redies, C., und Hakim, A. (1986) Effect of vascular activity in the determination of rate constants for the uptake of 18F-labeled 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose: error analysis and normal values in older subjects. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 6:724-738.
Matsuda, H., Nakai, H., Jovkar, S., Diksic, M., Evans, A.C., Meyer, E., Redies, C., und Yamamoto, Y.L. (1987) Alternative approach to estimate lumped constant in the deoxyglucose model: simulation and validation. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 28:471-480.
Meyer, E., Tyler, J., Thompson, C.J., Redies, C., Diksic, M., und Hakim, A.M. (1987) Estimation of cerebral oxygen utilization rate by single bolus 15O2 inhalation and dynamic positron emission tomography. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 7:403-414.
Nakai, H., Yamamoto, Y.L., Diksic, M., Matsuda, H., Takara, E., Meyer, E., und Redies, C. (1987) Time-dependent changes of lumped and rate constants in the deoxyglucose method in experimental cerebral ischemia. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 7:640-648.
Redies, C., Diksic, M., Evans, A.C., Gjedde, A., und Yamamoto, Y.L. (1987) Double-label autoradiographic deoxyglucose method for sequential measurement of regional cerebral glucose utilization. Neuroscience 22:601-619.
Redies, C., Matsuda, H., Diksic, M., Meyer, E., und Yamamoto, Y.L. (1987) In vivo measurement of (18F)fluorodeoxyglucose rate constants in rat brain by external coincidence counting. Neuroscience 22:593-599.
Redies, C., Diksic, M., Collier, B., Gjedde, A., Thompson, C.J., Gauthier, S., und Feindel, W.H. (1988) Influx of choline analog to dog brain measured by positron emission tomography. Synapse 2:406-411.
Redies, C., und Diksic, M. (1989) The deoxyglucose method in the ferret brain. I. Methodological considerations. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 9:35-42.
Redies, C., Diksic, M., und Yamamoto, Y.L. (1989) The deoxyglucose method in the ferret brain. II. Glucose utilization images and normal values. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 9:43-52.
Redies, C., Hoffer, L.J., Beil, C., Marliss, E.B., Evans, A.C., Larivière, F., Marrett, S., Meyer, E., Diksic, M., Gjedde, A., und Hakim, A.M. (1989) Generalized decrease in brain glucose metabolism during fasting in humans studied by PET. American Journal of Physiology (Endocrinology and Metabolism) 256:E805-E810.
(R) Redies, C., und Gjedde, A. (1989) Conventional and double-label deoxyglucose methods. A practical guide for the user. Cerebrovascular and Brain Metabolism Reviews 1:319-367.
Redies, C., Diksic, M., und Riml, H. (1990) Functional organization in ferret visual cortex: a double-label 2-deoxyglucose study. Journal of Neuroscience 10:2791-2803.