Publikationen - Gruppe Empirische Ästhetik
Thömmes, K., Hübner, R., Hayn-Leichsenring, G. (2025) Is there a timeless truth for good arrangement of paintings in art galleries and museums? An experimental investigation of the Barnes Collection. Empirical Studies of the Arts 43:424-450. (link to publisher's website)
Redies, C.*, Bartho, R.*, Koßmann, L., Spehar, B., Hübner, R., Wagemans, J., Hayn-Leichsenring, G. (2024) A toolbox for calculating objective image properties in aesthetics research. *equal contribution. arXiv:2408.10616. (link to publisher's website)
Vartanian, O., Farzanfar, D., Munar, E., Skov, M., Hayn-Leichsenring, G., Ho, P.K., Walther, D.B. (2024) Neural dissociation between computational and perceived measures of curvature. Scientific Reports 14:26529. (link to publisher's website)
Bartho, R., Thoemmes, K., Redies, C. (2023) Predicting beauty, liking and aesthetic quality: A comparative analysis of image databases for visual aesthetic research. arXiv:2307.00984. (link to publisher's website)
Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U., Rottleb, D.G. (2023) Cupid stealing visual attention - the restoration of Vermeer's "Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window". i-Perception 14:6. (link to publisher's website)
Redies, C., Bartho, R. (2023) Statistical image properties and aesthetic judgments on abstract paintings by Robert Peperell. Journal of Vision 23:1. (link to publisher's website)
Mohseni, M., Redies, C., Gast, V. (2023) Comparative analysis of preference in contemporary and earlier texts using entropy measures. Entropy 25:486. (link to publisher's website)
Geller, H.A, Thömmes, K., Bartho, R., Redies, C. (2022) Statistical image properties predict aesthetic ratings in abstract paintings created by neural style transfer. Frontiers in Neuroscience 16:999720. (link to publisher's website)
Mohseni, M., Redies, C., Gast, V. (2022) Approximate entropy in canonical and non-canonical fiction. Entropy 24: 278. (link to publisher's website)
Menzel, C., Kovács, G., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U., Redies, C. (2021) Is artistic composition in abstract art detected automatically? In: Brain, Beauty, and Art: Essays Bringing Neuroaesthetics into Focus (Chatterjee, A., and Cardilo, E., eds.), Oxford University Press, pg. 102-106. (link to publisher's website)
Mohseni, M., Gast, V., Redies, C. (2021) Fractality and variability in canonical and non-canonical English fiction and in non-fictional texts. Frontiers in Psychology 12: 599063. (download from publishers website)
Altmann, C.S., Brachmann, A., Redies, C. (2021) Liking of art and the perception of color. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 47: 545-564 (download from publisher's website).
Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U., Vartanian, O. & Chatterjee, A. (2021). The role of expertise in the aesthetic evaluation of mathematical equations. Psychological Research.
Thömmes, K., Hayn-Leichsenring, G. U. (2021). What Instagram can teach us about bird photography. i-Perception. doi:10.1177/20416695211003585
Coburn, A., Vartanian, O., Kenett, Y. N., Nadal, M., Hartung, F., Hayn-Leichsenring, G. U., Navarrete, G., González Mora, J. L., & Chatterjee, A. (2020). Psychological and neural responses to architectural interiors. Cortex.
Mohseni, M., Gast, V., Redies, C. (2020) Comparative computational analysis of global structure in canonical, non-canonical and non-literary texts. arXiv:2008.10906.
Stanischewski, S., Altmann, C.S., Brachmann, A., Redies, C. (2020) Aesthetic perception of line patterns: Effect of edge-orientation entropy and curvilinear shape. i-Perception 11(5):1-20 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Redies, C., Grebenkina, M., Mohseni, M., Kaduhm, A., Dobel, C. (2020) Global image properties predict ratings of affective pictures. Frontiers in Psychology 11:953 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Redies, C. (2020) The way I paint - How image composition emerges during the creation of abstract artworks. i-Perception 11(3):1-5 (download from publisher's website). Video of creative process: 1 minute video | 6 minute video (on figshare)
Hayn-Leichsenring, G. U., Kenett, Y.N. (shared first-authorship), Schulz, K. & Chatterjee, A. (2019). Abstract art paintings, global image properties, and verbal descriptions: An empirical and computational investigation. Acta psychologica.
Coburn, A., Kardan, O., Kotabe, H., Steinberg, J., Hout, M. C., Robbins, A., MacDonald, J., Hayn-Leichsenring, G. U., Berman, M. G. (2019). Psychological responses to natural patterns in architecture. Journal of Environmental Psychology. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2019.02.007
Bertamini, M., Palumbo, L., Redies, C. (2019) An advantage for smooth compared with angular contours in the speed of processing shape. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 45:1304-1318 (download from publisher's website).
Redies, C., Henemann, G. (2019) Computergestützte Analyse der Bildstruktur in den Werken von Paul Goesch. In: "von zweifellos künstlerischem Wert" - Paul Goeschs Beitrag zur ästhetischen Moderne (P. Feise-Mahnkopp, T. Röske, Eds.), pg. 158-173. Bielefeld: Kerber.
Grebenkina, M., Brachmann, A., Bertamini, M., Kadhum, A., Redies, C. (2019) Edge-orientation entropy predicts preferences for diverse types of man-made images. Frontiers in Neuroscience 12:678 (download from publisher's website).
Schwabe, K., Menzel, C., Mullin, C., Wagemans, J., Redies, C. (2018) Gist perception of image composition in abstract artworks. i-Perception 9(3):2041669518780797 (download from publisher's website).
Menzel, C., Redies, C., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U. (2018) Low-level image properties in facial expressions. Acta Psychologica 188:74-83 (download from publisher's website).
Menzel, C., Kovács, G., Amado, C., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U., Redies, C. (2018) Visual mismatch negativity indicates automatic, task-independent detection of artistic image composition in abstract artworks. Biological Psychology 136:76-86 (download from publisher's website).
Hayn-Leichsenring, G. U. & Chatterjee, A. (2018). Colliding Terminological Systems – Immanuel Kant and Contemporary Empirical Aesthetics. Empirical Studies of the Arts. doi: 10.1177/0276237418818635
Letsch, P. & Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U. (2018). The Composition of Abstract Images - Differences Between Artists and Laypersons. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. doi: 10.1037/aca0000209
Hayn-Leichsenring, G. U. (2017). The Ambiguity of Artworks - A Guideline for Empirical Aesthetics Research with Artworks as Stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: Artn 1857
Schulz, K., & Hayn-Leichsenring, G. U. (2017). Face Attractiveness versus Artistic Beauty in Art Portraits: A Behavioral Study. Frontiers in Psychology. doi: Artn 225410.3389/Fpsyg.2017.02254
Böthig, A. M., & Hayn-Leichsenring, G. U. (2017). Taste in Art-Exposure to Histological Stains Shapes Abstract Art Preferences. i-Perception. doi: Artn 2041669517736073
Henemann, G., Brachmann, A., Redies, C. (2017) Statistical image properties in works from the Prinzhorn Collection of artists with schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry 8:273 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Brachmann, A., Redies, C. (2017) Computational and experimental approaches to visual aesthetics. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 11:102 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Redies, C., Brachmann, A. (2017) Statistical image properties in large subsets of traditional art, Bad Art, and abstract art. Frontiers in Neuroscience 11:593 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Brachmann, A., Barth, E., Redies, C. (2017) Using CNN features to better understand what makes visual artworks special. Frontiers in Psychology 8:830 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U., Lehmann, T., Redies, C. (2017) Subjective ratings of beauty and aesthetics: Correlations with statistical image properties in Western oil paintings. i-Perception 1-21 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Menzel, C., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U., Redies, C., Németh, K., Kovács, G. (2017) When noise is beneficial for sensory encoding: Noise adaptation can improve face processing. Brain and Cognition 117:73-83 (download from publisher's website).
Redies, C., Brachmann, A., Wagemans, J. (2017) High entropy of edge orientations characterizes visual artworks from diverse cultural backgrounds. Vision Research 133:130-144 (download from publisher's website).
Brachmann, A., Redies, C. Defining self-similarity of images using features learned by convolutional neural networks. IS&T International Symposium on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (HVEI) 2017, Burlingame, CA, USA (download from publisher's website).
Mullin, C., Hayn-Leichsenring, G., Redies, C., Wagemans, J. The gist of beauty: An investigation of aesthetic perception in rapidly presented images. IS&T International Symposium on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (HVEI) 2017, Burlingame, CA, USA (download from publisher's website).
Brachmann, A., Redies, C. (2016) Using convolutional neural network filters to measure left-right mirror symmetry in images. Symmetry 8:144 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Lyssenko, N., Redies, C., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U. (2016) Evaluating abstract art: Relation between term usage, subjective ratings, image properties and personality traits. Frontiers in Psychology 7:973 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Abeln, J., Fresz, L., Amirshahi, S.A., McManus, C., Kreysa, H., Redies, C. (2016) Preference for well-balanced saliency in details cropped from photographs. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:704 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Redies, C. (2015) Combining universal beauty and cultural context in a unifying model of visual aesthetic experience. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:218 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Menzel, C., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U., Langner, O., Wiese, H., Redies, C. (2015) Fourier power spectrum characteristics of face photographs: Attractiveness perception depends on low-level image properties. PLOS One 10:e0122801 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Amirshahi, S.A., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U., Denzler, J., Redies, C. (2015) JenAesthetics subjective dataset: Analyzing paintings by subjective scores. ECCV 2014 Workshops, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8925:3-19 (download from publisher's site).
Redies, C., Brachmann, A., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U. (2015) Changes of statistical properties during the creation of graphic artworks. Art & Perception 3:93-116 (PDF) (download from publisher's website, open access).
Redies, C. (2014) Beauty: Neglected, but alive and kicking. British Journal of Psychology 105:468-470 (commentary) (download from publisher's website).
Mallon, B., Redies, C., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U. (2014) Beauty in abstract paintings: Perceptual contrast and statistical properties. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:161 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Amirshahi, S.A., Hayn-Leichsenring, G.U., Denzler, J., Redies, C. (2014) Evaluating the rule of thirds in photographs and paintings. Art & Perception 2:163-182 (PDF) (download from publisher's website, open access).
Redies, C., Groß, F. (2013) Frames as visual links between paintings and the museum environment: An analysis of statistical image properties. Frontiers in Psychology 4:831 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Braun, J., Amirshahi, S.A., Denzler, J., Redies, C. (2013) Statistical image properties of print advertisements, visual artworks and images of architecture. Frontiers in Psychology 4:808 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Hayn-Leichsenring, G., Kloth, N., Schweinberger, S.R., Redies, C. (2013) Adaptation effects to attractiveness of face photographs and art portraits are domain-specific. iPerception 4:303-316 (download from publisher's website, open access).
Amirshahi, S.A., Redies, C., Denzler, J. (2013) How self-similar are artworks at different levels of spatial resolution? CAE '13 Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Aesthetics, pages 93-100 (download from publisher's website).
Amirshahi, S.A., Hayn-Leichsenring, G., Denzler, J., Redies, C. (2013) Color: A crucial factor for aesthetic quality assessment in a subjective dataset of paintings. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Colour Association, pages 993-996.
Melmer, T., Amirshahi, S.A., Koch, M., Denzler, J., Redies, C. (2013) From regular text to artistic writing and artworks: Fourier statistics of images with low and high aesthetic appeal. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7:106 (download from publisher's website)
Redies, C., Amirshahi, S.A., Koch, M., Denzler, J. (2012) PHOG-derived aesthetic measures applied to color photographs of artworks, natural scenes and objects. ECCV 2012 Ws/Demos, Part I (Fusiello, A., ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7583:522-531 (download from publisher's website)
Amirshahi, A., Koch, M., Denzler, J., Redies, C. (2012) PHOG analysis of self-similarity in aesthetic images. Proceedings of SPIE (Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XVII) 8291, 82911J (download from publisher's website)
Blickhan, M., Kaufmann, J., Denzler, J., Schweinberger, S., Redies, C. (2011) 1/fp Characteristics of the Fourier power spectrum affects ERP correlates of face learning and recognition. Biological Psychology 88:204-214 (PubMed) (download from publisher's website)
Fuchs, I., Ansorge, U., Redies, C., and Leder, H. (2011) Salience in paintings: bottom-up influences on eye fixations. Cognitive Computation 3:25-36 doi:10.1007/s12559-010-9062-3 (download from publisher's website)
Koch, M., Denzler, J., and Redies, C. (2010) 1/f2 characteristics in the Fourier spectra of visual art, cartoons, comics, mangas and different categories of photographs. PLoS One 5: e12268. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012268 (download, open access)
Graham, D.J., and Redies, C. (2010) Statistical regularities in art: relations with visual coding and perception. Vision Research 50:1503-1509 (PubMed) (download from publisher's website)
Redies, C., Hänisch, J., Blickhan, M., and Denzler, J. (2007) Artists portrait human faces with the Fourier statistics of complex natural scenes. Network 18:235-248 (PDF preprint for download) (PubMed) (download from publisher's website)
Redies, C., Hasenstein, J., and Denzler, J. (2007) Fractal-like image statistics in visual art: similarity to natural scenes. Spatial Vision 21:137-148 (PubMed) (PDF preprint for download)
Redies, C. (2007) A universal model of esthetic perception based on the sensory coding of natural stimuli. Spatial Vision 21:97-117 (PubMed) (PDF preprint for download)