C. Redies - Publications in Molecular Neuroembryology
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To receive a PDF file or a reprint of a recent publication, please send an e-mail message to christoph.redies@med.uni-jena.de
(R) = review
Lin, J., Fu, S., Yang, C., Redies, C. (2017) Pax3 overexpression induces cell aggregation and perturbs commissural axon projection during embryonic spinal cord development. Journal of Comparative Neurology 525:1618-1632 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's website)
Lin, J., Wang, C., Yang, C., Fu, S., Redies, C. (2016) Pax3 and Pax6 interact reciprocally and regulate the expression of cadherin-7 through inducing neuron differentiation in the developing chicken spinal cord. Journal of Comparative Neurology 524:940-962 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's website)
Lin, J., Wang, C., Redies, C. (2014) Restricted expression of classic cadherins in the spinal cord of the chicken embryo. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 8:18 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's website).
Stoya, G., Redies, C., Schmid-Hertel, N. (2014) Inversion of layer-specific cadherin expression profiles and maintenance of cytoarchitectonic areas in the allocortex of the reeler mutant mouse. Journal of Comparative Neurology 522:3106-3119 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's website).
Pielarski, K.N., van Stegen, B., Andreyeva, A., Nieweg, K., Jüngling, K., Redies, C., Gottmann, K. (2013) Asymmetric N-cadherin expression results in synapse dysfunction, synapse elimination, and axon retraction in cultured mouse neurons. PLoS ONE 8:e54105 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's site).
Lin, J., Wang, C., Redies, C. (2013) Expression of multiple delta-protocadherins during feather bud formation. Gene Expression Patterns 13:57-65 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's site).
Lin, J., Redies, C. (2012) Histological evidence: housekeeping genes beta-actin and GAPDH are of limited value for normalization of gene expression. Development, Genes and Evolution 222:369-376 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's site).
(R) Redies, C., Hertel, N., Hübner, C. (2012) Cadherins and neuropsychiatric disease. Brain Research 1470:130-144 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's site).
Hertel, N., Redies, C., Medina, L. (2012) Cadherin expression delineates the divisions of the postnatal and adult mouse amygdala. Journal of Comparative Neurology 520:3982-4012 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's site).
Lin, J., Wang, C., Redies, C. (2012) Expression of delta-protocadherins in the spinal cord of the chicken embryo. Journal of Comparative Neurology 520:1509-1531 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's site).
Lin, J., Lemke, C., Redies, C., Yan, X., Mix, E., Rolfs, A., Luo, J. (2011) ADAM17 overexpression promotes angiogenesis by increasing blood vessel sprouting and pericyte number during brain microvessel development. International Journal of Developmental Biology 55:961-968 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's site).
Lin, J., Luo, J., Redies, C. (2011) Differential regional expression of multiple ADAMs during feather bud formation. Developmental Dynamics 240:2142-2152 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's site).
Krishna-K, K., Hertel, N., Redies, C. (2011) Cadherin expression in the somatosensory cortex: Evidence for a combinatorial code at the single-cell level. Neuroscience 175:37-48 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's site).
Hertel, N., Redies, C. (2011) Absence of layer-specific expression profiles in the neocortex of the reeler mutant mouse. Cerebral Cortex 21:1105-1117 (PubMed) (Epub ahead of print).
(R) Redies, C., Neudert, F., Lin, J. (2011) Cadherins in cerebellar development: Translation of embryonic patterning into mature functional compartmentalization. Cerebellum 10:393-408 (PubMed) (Epub ahead of print).
Lin, J., Luo, J., Redies, C. (2010) Molecular characterization and expression analysis of ADAM12 during chicken embryonic development. Development, Growth & Differentiation 52:757-769 (PubMed) (Download from publisher's website).
Lin, J., Yan, X., Markus, A., Redies, C., Rolfs, A., Luo, J. (2010) Expression of seven members of the ADAM family in developing chicken spinal cord. Developmental Dynamics 239:1246-1254 (PubMed).
Etzrodt, J., Krishna-K., Redies, C. (2010) Expression of classic cadherins and delta-protocadherins in the developing ferret retina. BMC Neuroscience 10:153 (PubMed) (Open Access).
Lin, J., Luo, J., Redies, C. (2010) Cadherin-19 expression is restricted to myelin-forming cells in the chicken embryo. Neuroscience 165:168-178 (PubMed).
Luo, J., Ju, M.J., Lin, J., Yan, X., Markus, A., Mix, E., Rolfs, A., Redies, C. (2009) Cadherin-20 expression by motor neurons is regulated by Sonic hedgehog during spinal cord development. Neuroreport 20:365-370 (PubMed).
Krishna-K. and Redies, C. (2009) Expression of cadherin superfamily genes in brain vascular development. Journal of Cerebral Bood Flow and Metabolism 29:224-229 (PubMed).
Krishna-K., Nuernberger, M., Weth, F., and Redies, C. (2009) Layer-specific expression of multiple cadherins in the developing visual cortex (V1) of the ferret. Cerebral Cortex 19:388-401 (PubMed).
Lin, J., Luo, J., and Redies, C. (2008) Differential expression of five members of the ADAM family in the developing chicken brain. Neuroscience 157:360-375 (PubMed)
Neudert, F., Krishna-K., Nuernberger, M., and Redies, C. (2008) Comparative analysis of cadherin expression and connectivity patterns in the cerebellar system of ferret and mouse. Journal of Comparative Neurology 511:736-752 (PubMed).
Redies, C., Heyder, J., Kohoutek, T., Staes, K., and van Roy, F. (2008) Expression of protocadherin-1 (Pcdh1) during mouse development. Developmental Dynamics 237:2496-2505 (PubMed).
Neudert, F., and Redies, C. (2008) Neural circuits revealed by axon tracing and mapping cadherin expression in the embryonic chicken cerebellum. Journal of Comparative Neurology 509:283-301 (PubMed) (DOI)
Hertel, N., Krishna-K., Nuernberger, M., and Redies, C. (2008) A cadherin-based code for the divisions of the mouse basal ganglia. Journal of Comparative Neurology 508:511-528 (PubMed) (DOI)
Lin, J., Luo, J., and Redies, C. (2008) Molecular cloning and expression analysis of three cadherin-8 isoforms in the embryonic chicken brain. Brain Research 1201:1-14 (PubMed) (DOI)
Luo, J., Wang, H., Lin, J., and Redies, C. (2007) Cadherin expression in the developing chicken chochlea. Developmental Dynamics 236:2331-2337 (PubMed)
Lin, J., Redies, C., and Luo, J. (2007) Regionalized expression of ADAM13 during chicken embryonic development. Developmental Dynamics 236:862-870 (PubMed)
Luo, J., Ju, M.J., and Redies, C. (2006) Regionalized cadherin-7 expression by radial glia is regulated by Shh and Pax7 during spinal cord development. Neuroscience 142:1133-1143 (PubMed)
(R) Redies, C., Vanhalst, K., and van Roy, F. (2005) Delta-Protocadherins: Unique structures and functions. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 62:2840-2852 (PubMed)
Vanhalst, K., Kools, P., Staes, K., Van Roy, F., and Redies, C. (2005) Delta-protocadherins: A subfamily of protocadherins expressed differentially in the mouse nervous system. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 62:1247-1259 (PubMed) (Supplementary Data)
(R) Luo, J., and Redies, C. (2005) Ex ovo electroporation for gene transfer into older chicken embryos. Developmental Dynamics 233:1470-1477 (PubMed)
Ju, M.J., Aroca, P., Luo, J., Puelles, L., and Redies, C. (2004) Molecular profiling indicates avian branchiomotor nuclei invade the hindbrain alar plate. Neuroscience 128:785-796 (PubMed)
Luo, J., and Redies, C. (2004) Overexpression of genes in Purkinje cells in the embryonic chicken cerebellum by in vivo electroporation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 139:241-245 (PubMed)
Heyers, D., Luksch, H., and Redies, C. (2004) Selective synaptic cadherin expression by traced neurons of the chicken visual system. Neuroscience 127:901-912 (PubMed)
(R) Redies, C., and Puelles, L. (2004) Central nervous system development: From embryonic modules to functional modules. In: Modularity in Development and Evolution (G. Schlosser and G. P. Wagner, Eds.), pg. 154-182
Luo, J., Treubert-Zimmermann, U., and Redies, C. (2004) Cadherins guide migrating Purkinje cells to specific parasagittal domains during cerebellar development. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 25:138-152 (PubMed)
Müller, K., Hirano, S., Puelles, L., and Redies, C. (2004) OL-protocadherin expression in the visual system of the chicken embryo. Journal of Comparative Neurology 470:240-255 (PubMed)
(R) Redies, C., Treubert-Zimmermann, U., and Luo, J. (2003) Cadherins as regulators for the emergence of neural nets from embryonic divisions. Journal of Physiology (Paris) 97:5-15 (PubMed)
Becker, T., and Redies, C. (2003) Internal structure of the nucleus rotundus revealed by mapping cadherin expression in the embryonic chicken visual system. Journal of Comparative Neurology 467:536-548 (PubMed)
Heyers, D., Kovjanic, D., and Redies, C. (2003) Cadherin expression coincides with birth-dating patterns in patchy compartments of the developing chicken telencephalon. Journal of Comparative Neurology 460:155-166 (PubMed)
Kovjanic, D., and Redies, C. (2003) Small-scale pattern formation in a cortical area of the embryonic chicken telencephalon. Journal of Comparative Neurology 456:95-104 (PubMed)
(R) Hirano, S., Suzuki, S.T., and Redies, C. (2003) The cadherin superfamily in neural development: Diversity, function and interaction with other molecules. Frontiers in Bioscience 8:D306-355 (PubMed)
Dimitrova, A., Weber, J., Redies, C., Kindsvater, K., Maschke, M., Kolb, F.P., Forsting, M., Diener, C., and Timmann, D. (2002) MRI atlas of the human cerebellar nuclei. NeuroImage 17:240-255 (PubMed)
Treubert-Zimmermann, U., Heyers, D., and Redies, C. (2002) Targeting axons to specific fiber tracts in vivo by altering cadherin expression. Journal of Neuroscience 22:7617-7626 (PubMed)
Redies, C., Kovjanic, D., Heyers, D., Medina, L., Hirano, S., Suzuki, S.T., and Puelles, L. (2002) Patch/matrix patterns of gray matter differentiation in the telencephalon of the chicken and mouse. Brain Research Bulletin 57:489-493 (PubMed).
(R) Redies, C., Luckner, R., and Arndt, K. (2002) Granule cell raphes in the cerebellar cortex of chicken and mouse. Brain Reseach Bulletin 57:341-343 (PubMed).
(R) Redies, C., and Puelles, L. (2001) Modularity in vertebrate brain development and evolution. BioEssays 23:1100-1111 (PubMed).
Redies, C., Medina, L., and Puelles, L. (2001) Cadherin expression by embryonic divisions and derived gray matter structures in the telencephalon of the chicken. Journal of Comparative Neurology 438:253-285 (PubMed).
Obst-Pernberg, K., Medina, L., and Redies , C. (2001) Expression of R-cadherin and N-cadherin by cell groups and fiber tracts in the developing mouse forebrain: Relation to the formation of functional circuits. Neuroscience 106:515-533 (PubMed).
Luckner, R., Obst-Pernberg, K., Hirano, S., Suzuki, S.T., and Redies, C. (2001) Granule cell raphes in the developing mouse cerebellum. Cell and Tissue Research 303:159-172 (PubMed).
Yoon, M.-S., Puelles, L., and Redies, C. (2000) Formation of cadherin-expressing brain nuclei in diencephalic alar plate subdivisions. Journal of Comparative Neurology 421:461-480 (PubMed).
Redies, C., Ast, M., Nakagawa, S., Takeichi, M., Martínez-de-la-Torre, M., and Puelles, L. (2000) Morphological fate of diencephalic neuromeres and their subdivisions revealed by mapping cadherin expression. Journal of Comparative Neurology 421:481-514 (PubMed).
(R) Redies, C. (2000) Cadherins in the central nervous system. Progress in Neurobiology 61:611-648 (PubMed).
Gerhardt, H., Wolburg, H., and Redies, C. (2000) N-cadherin mediates pericytic-endothelial interaction during brain angiogenesis in the chicken. Developmental Dynamics 218:472-479 (PubMed).
Gerhardt, H., Rascher, G., Schuck, J., Weigold, U., Redies, C., and Wolburg, H. (2000) R- and B-cadherin expression defines subpopulations of glial cells involved in axonal guidance in the optic nerve head of the chicken. Glia 31:131-143 (PubMed).
Gerhardt, H., Liebner, S., Redies, C., and Wolburg, H. (1999) N-cadherin expression in endothelial cells during early angiogenesis in the eye and brain of the chicken: relation to blood-retina and blood-brain barrier development. European Journal of Neuroscience 11:1191-1201
Wöhrn, J.-C.P., Nakagawa, S., Ast, M., Takeichi, M., and Redies, C. (1999) Combinatorial expression of cadherins and the sorting of neurites in the tectofugal pathways of the chicken embryo. Neuroscience 90:985-1000
(R) Obst-Pernberg, K., and Redies, C. (1999) Cadherins and synaptic specificity. Journal of Neuroscience Research 58:130-138
Arndt, K., Nakagawa, S., Takeichi, M., and Redies, C. (1998) Cadherin-defined segments and parasagittal cell ribbons in the developing chicken cerebellum. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 10:211-228
Arndt, K., and Redies, C. (1998) Development of cadherin-defined parasagittal subdivisions in the embryonic chicken cerebellum. Journal of Comparative Neurology 401:367-381
Gänzler-Odenthal, S.I., and Redies, C. (1998) Blocking N-cadherin function disrupts the epithelial structure of differentiating neural tissue in the embryonic chicken brain. Journal of Neuroscience 18:5415-5425
Hemberger, M., Redies, C., Krause, R., Oswald, J., Walter, J., and Fundele, R.H. (1998) H19 and Igf2 are expressed and differentially imprinted in neurectoderm-derived cells in the mouse brain. Development, Genes, and Evolution 208:393-402
Wöhrn, J.-C.P., Puelles, L., Nakagawa, S., Takeichi, M., and Redies, C. (1998) Cadherin expression in the retina and retinofugal pathways of the chicken embryo. Journal of Comparative Neurology 396:20-38
Fushimi, D., Arndt, K., Takeichi, M., and Redies, C. (1997) Cloning and expression analysis of cadherin-10 in the CNS of the chicken embryo. Developmental Dynamics 209:269-285
Korematsu, K., and Redies, C. (1997) Cadherin-8 mRNA expression in the developing mouse central nervous system. Journal of Comparative Neurology 387:291-306
Korematsu, K., and Redies, C. (1997) Restricted expression of cadherin-8 in segmental and functional subdivisions of the embryonic mouse brain. Developmental Dynamics 208:178-189
Redies, C., Arndt, K., and Ast, M. (1997) Expression of the cell adhesion molecule axonin-1 in neuromeres of the chicken diencephalon. Journal of Comparative Neurology 381:230-252
(R) Redies, C. (1997) Cadherins and the formation of neural circuitry in the vertebrate CNS. Cell and Tissue Research 290:405-413
Arndt, K., and Redies, C. (1996) Restricted expression of R-cadherin by brain nuclei and neural circuits of the developing chicken brain. Journal of Comparative Neurology 373:373-399
(R) Redies, C., and Takeichi, M. (1996) Cadherins in the developing central nervous system: An adhesive code for segmental and functional subdivisions. Developmental Biology 180:413-423
Gänzler, S.I.I., and Redies, C. (1995) R-cadherin expression during nucleus formation in chicken forebrain neuromeres. Journal of Neuroscience 15:4157-4172
(R) Redies, C. (1995) Cadherin expression in the developing vertebrate brain: From neuromeres to brain nuclei and neural circuits. Experimental Cell Research 220:243-256
Redies, C., and Müller, H.-A.J. (1994) Similarities in structure and expression between mouse P-cadherin, chicken B-cadherin and frog XB/U-cadherin. Cell Adhesion and Communication 2:511-520
Redies, C., Engelhart, K., and Takeichi, M. (1993) Differential expression of N- and R-cadherin in functional neuronal systems and other structures of the developing chicken brain. Journal of Comparative Neurology 333:398-416
Redies, C., and Takeichi, M. (1993) Expression of N-cadherin mRNA during development of the mouse brain. Developmental Dynamics 197:26-39
Redies, C., and Takeichi, M. (1993) N- and R-cadherin expression in the optic nerve of the chicken embryo. Glia 8:161-171
Redies, C., Inuzuka, H., uand Takeichi, M. (1992) Restricted expression of N- and R-cadherin on neurites of the developing chicken CNS. Journal of Neuroscience 12:3525-3534