Welcome to the Institute of Biochemistry II
Universitätsklinikum Jena
Institute of Biochemistry II
Nonnenplan 2
07743 Jena
Fax: -49-(0)36 41-9-39 64 01
The Institute of Biochemistry II is active in the education of medical and dental students in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology. Together with the Institute for Biochemistry I, compulsory courses are covered in accordance with the study regulations. The Institute of Biochemistry II also offers elective courses. Current offers can be viewed in the course catalog.
Research focuses on the elucidation of molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory and oncological diseases. The working groups of the institute primarily deal with: with the structure, function and regulation of cadherin-mediated cell-cell contacts and tight junctions as well as the role of the Wnt / β-catenin signaling pathway in tumorigenesis (RG Huber), cytokine signaling and its importance in tumor diseases, allergies and asthma and approaches to specific interference ( RG Friedrich), as well as the influence of inflammatory factors on steroid metabolism (RG Schmidt). A wide range of modern cell and molecular biological as well as biochemical methods are employed in this research work.
The international composition of the working groups with employees from various disciplines (e.g. biochemistry, biology, molecular medicine, molecular biology, biotechnology, human and dental medicine) and modern equipment offer an attractive environment for working on the research projects of the institute e.g. as part of a doctorate, diploma, master's, bachelor's thesis, an internship or as a student assistant. Interested parties are asked to contact the respective group leader

