Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Markus Löffler
Dr. Frank Meineke
Dr. Christoph Engel
Florian Rißner
B. Altmann
M. Mende
M. Löbe
S. Stäubert
S. Kropf
Projektnummer: OA2
Projektlaufzeit: 01.08.2010 bis 31.07.2015
This project provides the backbone for the CSCC Data Centre. This core facility provides the basic IT-infrastructure and the basic support for designing and initiating patient related prospective interventional, diagnostic, or prognostic clinical trials. Regarding IT-infrastructure we will build up the platform for research data bases for clinical trials including biobanking, we will provide processes to follow and tag CSCC-patients in the hospital information systems, we will define interfaces with the research data bases, we will design and implement a stringent data privacy concept, and we will integrate bioinformatic datawarehouses for high -throughput data. Regarding clinical trial design we will provide basic support to design and initiate trials (biometry, quality management, documentation processes, trial protocol, sponsor responsibility etc).
Universität Leipzig
Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Statistik und Epidemiologie (IMISE)
Härtelstraße 16-18
04107 Leipzig