Deans Office
Adress: Kastanienstraße 1, 07747 Jena
Please send inquiries directly to thestudent-service-center of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena where you can apply for the application and admission procedure, enrollment, exchange of studies, etc.! In addition Mrs Annett Studenik, Dean of students at the Faculty of Medicine, can help you. Information is also available at the introductory-dates for students.
Would you like to invite a foreign scientist to a lecture?
You can apply for a fee for the fees and travel and accommodation costs via the Dean's Office. Only professors of the Medical Faculty can apply for a grant. Please fill out the form (request for a cost estimate) and send it back to us. You will receive a confirmation from us. Please use the settlement form for invoicing settlement-form.
Berufungsbeauftragte der Medizinischen Fakultät
Mitarbeiterin Forschungskoordination,
Habilitationen, Promotionen