Publication Promotion
For dissertations based on publications, a written application must be submitted with
♦ a favorable statement by the supervisor
♦ and the manuscript of the publication.
to be submitted to the Dean´s Office.
Please note Implementing publication promotions!
Resolution of the Faculty Council of 10.05.2016: A doctoral candidate indicates Jena University Hospital as his address in at least one publication as first author!
Please also note § 11 (5) and (6) of the doctoral regulations: a cumulative dissertation for the degree of Dr. rer. nat. / PhD / Dr. rer. medic is permitted under application of the relevant provisions of the doctoral regulations of the corresponding faculty. For the cumulative dissertation for the Dr. rer. medic. there will still be an implementing regulation to be decided.
- Application for promotion on the basis of a publication (prior acceptance as doctoral student required)
- Share declarations for publication