In our SmartAge ITN consortium we bring together eleven institutions from ten different EU countries spanning academia and industry. In addition, we are supported by five partner organisations to deliver an exciting research and training programme.

GERMANY, University Hospital Jena
research network within the Department of Neurology; Clinical study unit; Statistics, Computer Sciences and Documentation; Research MRI / functional imaging; animal studies / experimental laboratories (-omics, behaviour, molecular biology, electro-physiology); close cooperation with Gastroenterology

GERMANY, University Hospital Jena
head of research group "Gut-Brain Interaction and Aging"; expertise in microbiome research, animal studies, human intervention studies, translation "bench to bedside", stroke research, microbiota, molecular biology, cell culture

GERMANY, University Hospital Jena
Psychological Management "Gedächtniszentrum" at UKJ; head of research group "Neurocognition across the lifespan"; expertise in neurocognitive research (assessment of underlying mechanisms of normal and pathological changes across the life span; efficacy of enhancement methods in healthy participants and participants at high risk for cognitive decline)

GERMANY, University Hospital Jena
head of research group "Structural Brain Mapping", expertise in neuroimaging with a specific focus on the development of valuable analysis methods for structural brain data; estimating the individual BrainAGE scores with applications for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease, voxel-based morphometry toolboxes, and analysis of use-dependent plasticity

AUSTRIA, University of Vienna
human study facility (sensory laboratory and experimental kitchen); animal studies (mouse facility, intervention studies, animal MRI, C. elegans); experimental laboratory (molecular biology, immunohistochemistry, cell culture)

FRANCE, Eden Tech
large laboratory facilities dedicated to R&D activities; state of the art equipment; development of industrial scale microfluidic technologies inspired by sophisticated biological systems, organ-on-chips and artificial organs

SWEDEN, Karolinska Institute
Animal facility, facility for behavioural phenotyping of mice (state-of-the-art behavioural equipment), facility for Germ-free Research (gnotobiotic mice), SciLifeLab (-omics: genomics, transcriptomics, proteinomics, epigenomics, metagenomics), experimental laboratory (behavioural, molecular, cellular, biochemical studies)

HUNGARY, CROmed Research Center
2D and 3D Optical Fluorescence/ Bioluminescence in vivo Imaging systems, CellVizio Dual Band fibre-optic confocal endomicroscope, small animal NanoSPECT SPECT/CT system, NanoDot radiation dosimetry system, isotope laboratory with radiochemistry facilities

SPAIN, Girona Biomedical Research Center
Head of nutrition, eumetabolism and health research group; human studies; Center for Clinical Studies; Research MRI and Functional Imaging; Section of Neuropsychology

SPAIN, Girona Biomedical Research Center
systems biology; omics sciences (especially metabolomics, metagenomics, and transcriptomics); Integrative Systems Medicine; application of cutting-edge post-genomic technologies combined with advanced computational methods (i.e., machine learning) in large human cohorts and pre-clinical models; microbial profiles and functional traits associated with memory, inhibitory control, and depression

NETHERLANDS, Wageningen University
research in human nutrition; dietetics lab, integrating dietetic experience, up-to-date
kitchen (human nutrition intervention trials and food consumption research); chemical
analytical laboratory (composition of foods / biomarker assessment); physiological laboratory; molecular laboratory (nutrigenomics / genetic susceptibility)

GERMANY, Christian-Albrechts University Kiel
Central sequencing platform (transcriptome, metagenome, 16S, genome), Central computing platform (modeling/RNA-Seq data analysis, metagenomic analyses); Large-scale (longitudinal) human cohorts (Biobank PopGen, NaKo, FoCus) for general health and the effect of nutrition

IRELAND, National University of Ireland, Galway
access to the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) facility, computer cluster / high-memory server machines (efficient computations of large scale human and microbiota metabolic models)

DENMARK, Clinical Microbiomics
Bioinformatics (metagenomic species databases for various microbiomes, microbiome-wide SNV profiling, framework for sub-species resolution microbiomics and in situ growth-rate measures, Functional Species Groups); molecular biology laboratory; Bayesian statistics, statistical programing, super-computing, systems biology

SWITZERLAND, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
pilot plants for food and food technology, bakery technology, packaging technology, accredited sensory lab, senior and consumer panels for consumer studies, aroma analytics, and microbiology labs

Complete workflow for microbiome research:
- sample disruption
- high-yield sample preparation
- state-of-the-art detection
- bioinformatic tools

- large, multi-generational, prospective cohort study (over 167,000 participants from the Netherlands)
- excellent opportunities for studies worldwide unraveling the etiology of multifactorial diseases focusing on multifactor risk factors

- provider of strategic corporate and consumer communication services
- translates science into strategic and practical solutions with a strong focus on interactive communication processes in an international dimension

European Research and Project Office GmbH
Eurice offers comprehensive support services for the planning, initiation, and implementation of international collaborative research and innovation projects with competencies in project, communication and
innovation management.

DTU Health Tech
Research Section: Bioinformatics
Head of Section: Anders Gorm Pedersen