1| Intestinal barrier function in age-dependent gut-brain interaction: dietary interventions with oat β-glucans
2| Intestinal barrier function in age-dependent gut-brain interaction: pharmacological interventions with metformin
3| Development of a microfluidic perfusion-station (gut-on-a-chip)
4| Age-dependent gut-brain interactions in mice: modulation by physical activity
5| Age-dependent impact of physical activity on gut-brain axis in humans
6| Peptidoglycan sensing molecules as brain sensors for gut-induced inflammation
7| Microbiota-gut-brain axis: Inflammatory and immune markers during aging and following interventions
8| Impact of the gut microbiome on cognitive function in middle-aged subjects. Effects of weight loss
9| Impact of the gut microbiome on cognitive function in middle-aged subjects. Effects of metformin
10| Impact of late life nutritional interventions on microbiome / cognition
11| Changes in individual BrainAGE score and brain plasticity induced by physical activity
12| Elucidation of transcriptomic signatures in preserving cognition in old age
13| Impact of microbiome-host cross-talk on decline and preservation of cognition during aging
14| Bioinformatics analysis of the gut-microbiome during aging and following late-life interventions with respect to cognitive functions
15| Impacts of nutrition communication strategies on eating behaviour – best practice models to enhance compliance and adherence to healthy nutrition in different target groups