Ungelenk Martin CV

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Martin UNGELENK (geboren: Voigt), Dr. rer. nat., BioInformatiker
Beruflicher Hintergrund
Beruflicher Werdegang
seit 10/2015 | PostDoc am Institut für Humangenetik, Universitätsklinikum Jena |
02/2012 - heute | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Humangenetik, Universitätsklinikum Jena |
Berufsbezogene Aktivitäten am Institut für Humangenetik
05/2012 - heute | NGS-Datenanalyst (DNA & RNA) |
01/2015 - heute | IT-Beauftragter |
05/2011 - heute | Webseitenverantwortlicher |
09/2019 - heute | Datenschutzverantwortlicher |
Berufliche Bildung
02/2012 - 09/2015 | Doktorarbeit am Institut für Humangenetik, Universitätsklinikum Jena |
Titel: "Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy: A next-generation sequencing analysis pipeline" |
11/2011 | Abschluss als Master of Science of Molecular Medicine (Note: 1.2) |
10/2010 - 11/2011 | Master Thesis am Institut für Humangenetik, Universitätsklinikum Jena |
Titel: "Delineation of chromosomal breakpoints in clinical and basic research by microarray based comparative genomic hybridization" |
10/2009 - 11/2011 | Studium in Molecular Medicine (M. Sc.) an der Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena |
09/2009 | Abschluss als Diplom Bioinformatiker (Note: 1.4) |
10/2008 - 09/2009 | Diplomarbeit am Lehrstuhl für Bioinformatik, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena |
Titel: "Modelling of Cooperation and Competition in the Evolution of Metabolic Pathways" |
10/2003 - 09/2009 | Studium der Bioinformatik (Dipl. Binf) an der Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena |
06/2003 | Abitur (Note 1.6) |
08/2000 - 07/2001 | Schülerautauschjahr an einer High-School in Woodstown, New Jersey, USA |
08/1994 - 07/2003 | Adolf-Reichwein Gymnasium, Jena |
Besondere Kenntnisse
EDV | MS-DOS, LINUX, UNIX, Windows Betriebssysteme |
Programmierung in Java, Perl, R, Bash, VirtualBasic | |
Sprachkenntnisse | Englisch - fließend in Wort und Schrift (Vortragsqualität) |
Jahr | Publikation |
2023 |
Lischka A, Eggermann K, Record CJ, Dohrn MF, Laššuthová P, Kraft F, Begemann M, Dey D, Eggermann T, Beijer D, Šoukalová J, Laura M, Rossor AM, Mazanec R, Van Lent J, Tomaselli PJ, Ungelenk M, Debus KY, Feely SME, Gläser D, Jagadeesh S, Martin M, Govindaraj GM, Singhi P, Baineni R, Biswal N, Ibarra-Ramírez M, Bonduelle M, Gess B, Sánchez JR, Suthar R, Udani V, Nalini A, Unnikrishnan G, Junior WM, Mercier S, Procaccio V, Bris C, Suresh B, Reddy V, Skorupinska M, Bonello-Palot N, Mochel F, Dahl G, Sasidharan K, Devassikutty FM, Nampoothiri S, Doriqui MJR, Müller-Felber W, Vill K, Haack TB, Dufke A, Abele M, Stucka R, Siddiqi S, Ullah N, Spranger S, Chiabrando D, Bolgül BS, Parman Y, Seeman P, Lampert A, Schulz JB, Wood JN, Cox JJ, Auer-Grumbach M, Timmerman V, de Winter J, Themistocleous AC, Shy M, Bennett DL, Baets J, Hübner CA, Leipold E, Züchner S, Elbracht M, Çakar A, Senderek J, Hornemann T, Woods CG, Reilly MM, Kurth I. Genetic landscape of congenital insensitivity to pain and hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies. Brain. 2023 Sep 28 |
2022 |
Ernst P, Schnöder TM, Huber N, Perner F, Jayavelu AK, Eifert T, Hsu CJ, Tubío-Santamaría N, Crodel CC, Ungelenk M, Hübner CA, Clement JH, Hochhaus A, Heidel FH. Histone demethylase KDM4C is a functional dependency in JAK2-mutated neoplasms. Leukemia. 2022 Jul;36(7):1843-1849. |
Refisch A, Komatsuzaki S, Ungelenk M, Chung HY, Schumann A, Schilling SS, Jantzen W, Schröder S, Mühleisen TW, Nöthen MM, Hübner CA, Bär KJ. Associations of common genetic risk variants of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 with cardiac autonomic dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia. World J Biol Psychiatry 2022, 17: 1-35. |
Refisch A, Komatsuzaki S, Ungelenk M, Schumann A, Chung HY, Schilling SS, Jantzen W, Schröder S, Nöthen MM, Mühleisen TW, Hübner CA, Bär KJ. Analysis of CACNA1C and KCNH2 Risk Variants on Cardiac Autonomic Function in Patients with Schizophrenia. Genes (Basel) 2022, 13: 2132. | |
Mirzakhani K, Kallenbach J, Rasa SMM, Ribaudo F, Ungelenk M, Ehsani M, Gong W, Gassler N, Leeder M, Grimm MO, Neri F, Baniahmad A. The androgen receptor-lncRNASAT1-AKT-p15 axis mediates androgen-induced cellular senescence in prostate cancer cells. Oncogene 2022; 41: 943-959. Erratum in: Oncogene. 41: 1071-1077. |
Herrmann T, Gerth M, Dittmann R, Pensold D, Ungelenk M, Liebmann L, Hübner CA. Disruption of KCC2 in parvalbumin-positive interneurons is associated with a decreased seizure threshold and a progressive loss of parvalbumin-positive interneurons. Front Mol Neurosc 2022, 14:807090. |
2021 |
Heinze K, Hölzer M, Ungelenk M, Gerth M, Thomale J, Heller R, Morden CR, McManus KJ, Mosig AS, Dürst M, Runnebaum IB, Häfner N. RUNX3 Transcript Variants Have Distinct Roles in Ovarian Carcinoma and Differently Influence Platinum Sensitivity and Angiogenesis. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jan 26;13(3):476. |
2020 |
Jayavelu AK, Schnöder TM, Perner F, Herzog C, Meiler A, Krishnamoorthy G, Huber N, Mohr J, Edelmann-Stephan B, Austin R, Brandt S, Palandri F, Schröder N, Isermann B, Edlich F, Sinha AU, Ungelenk M, Hübner CA, Zeiser R, Rahmig S, Waskow C, Coldham I, Ernst T, Hochhaus A, Jilg S, Jost PJ, Mullally A, Bullinger L, Mertens PR, Lane SW, Mann M, Heidel FH. Splicing factor YBX1 mediates persistence of JAK2-mutated neoplasms. Nature 2020, 588:157-163. |
2019 | C .Ammer-Herrmenau, U. Kulkarni, N. Andreas, M. Ungelenk , S. Ravens, C.A. Hübner, A. Kather , I. Kurth, M. Bauer, T. Kamradt. Sepsis induces long-lasting impairments in CD4+ T-cell responses despite rapid numerical recovery of T-lymphocyte populations. PLoS One. 2019 Feb 7;14(2):e0211716. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211716. eCollection 2019. |
2018 | E. Girdauskas, J. Petersen, N. Neumann, M. Ungelenk, I. Kurth, H. Reichenspurner, T. Zeller. MiR-145 expression and rare NOTCH1 variants in bicuspid aortic valve-associated aortopathy. PLoS One. 2018 Jul 30;13(7):e0200205. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200205. eCollection 2018. |
2017 | M. Castori, S. Morlino, M. Ungelenk, D. Pareyson, E. Salsano, P. Grammatico, E. Tolosano, I. Kurth, D. Chiabrando. Posterior column ataxia with retinitis pigmentosa coexisting with sensory-autonomic neuropathy leukemia due to the homozygous p.Pro221Ser FLVCR1 mutation. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics. Vol. 174, Issue 7, pages 732–739, Oct 2017. |
E. Girdauskas, L. Geist, K. , I. Kazakbaev, T. Groß, S. Schulz, M. Ungelenk, T. Kuntze, H. Reichenspurner, I. Kurth. Genetic abnormalities in bicuspid aortic valve root phenotype: preliminary results. European Journal of Cardiothorac Surgery. 2017 Jul 1;52(1):156-162. Jul 2017. | |
A.G. Saini, H. Padmanabh, J.K. Sahu, I. Kurth, M. Voigt, P. Singhi. Hereditary Sensory Polyneuropathy, Pain Insensitivity and Global Developmental Delay due to Novel Mutation in PRDM12 Gene. Indian Journal of Pediatrics (2017) 84: 332, Apr 2017 | |
2016 | D. Chiabrando, M. Castori, M. di Rocco, M. Ungelenk, S. Gießelmann, M. Di Capua, A. Madeo, P. Grammatico, S. Bartsch, C. A. Hübner, F. Altruda, L. Silengo, E. Tolosano, I. Kurth. Mutations in the Heme Exporter FLVCR1 Cause Sensory Neurodegeneration with Loss of Pain Perception. PLoS Genetics 12(12), Dec 2016 |
A. Schulz, F. Wagner, M. Ungelenk, I. Kurth, C. Redecker. Stroke-like onset of brain stem degeneration presents with unique MRI sign and heterozygous NMNAT2 variant: a case report. Translational Neurodegeneration. 2016 Dec 27;5:23. Dec 2016. | |
2015 | E. Leipold, A. Hanson-Kahn, M. Frick, P. Gong, J.A. Bernstein, M. Voigt, I. Katona, R. O. Goral, J. Altmüller, P. Nürnberg, J. Weis, C.A. Hübner, S.H. Heinemann & I. Kurth. Cold-aggravated pain in humans caused by a hyperactive NaV 1.9 channel mutant. Nature Communications, 6:10049, Dez 2015 |
A. Weise, N. Kosyakova, M. Voigt, N. Aust, K. Mrasek, S. Löhmer, N. Rubtsov, T. V. Karamysheva, V. A. Trifonov, D. Hardekopf, T. Jancuskova, S. Pekova, K. Wilhelm and T. Liehr. Comprehensive Analyses of White-Handed Gibbon Chromosomes Enables Access to 92 Evolutionary Conserved Breakpoints Compared to the Human Genome. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 145(1):42–49, Apr 2015. | |
2014 | U. Kornak, I. Mademan, M. Schinke, M. Voigt, P. Krawitz, J. Hecht, F. Barvencik, T. Schinke, S.Gießelmann, F. T. Beil, A. Pou-Serradell, J. J. Vílchez, C. Beetz, T. Deconinck, V. Timmerman, C. Kaether, P. De Jonghe, C. A. Hübner, A. Gal, M. Amling, S. Mundlos, J. Baets and I. Kurth. Sensory neuropathy with bone destruction due to a mutation in the membrane-shaping atlastin GTPase 3. Brain, 137(Pt 3):683–692, Mar 2014. |
2012 | N. L. Lopez Corrales, K. Mrasek, M. Voigt, T. Liehr, and N. Kosyakova. Comprehensive characterization of genomic instability in pluripotent stem cells and their derived neuroprogenitor cell lines. Applied & Translational Genomics, 1:21–24, Dec 2012. |
N. L. Lopez Corrales, K. Mrasek, M. Voigt, T. Liehr, and N. Kosyakova. Copy number variations (CNVs) in human pluripotent cell-derived neuroprogenitors. Gene, 506(2):377–379, Sep 2012. | |
A. B. Hamid, K. Kreskowski, A.Weise, N. Kosayakova, K. Mrasek, M. Voigt, R. S. Guilherme, R.Wagner, D. Hardekopf, S. Pekova, T. Karamysheva, T. Liehr and E. Klein. How to narrow down chromosomal breakpoints in small and large derivative chromosomes - a new probe set. Journal of Applied Genetics, 53(3):259–269, Apr 2012. | |
A. B. Hamid, A. Weise, M. Voigt, M. Bucksch, N. Kosyakova, T. Liehr, and E. Klein. Clinical Impact of Proximal Autosomal Imbalances. Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics, 15(2):15–22, Jan 2012. | |
2011 | T. Liehr, E. Ewers, A. B. Hamid, N. Kosyakova, M. Voigt, A. Weise, and M. Manvelyan. Small Supernumerary Marker Chromosomes and Uniparental Disomy Have a Story to Tell. Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry, 59(9):842–848, Jun 2011. |
Poster und Präsentationen
Jahr | Event |
2017 | GfH-Jahrestagung, Bochum, Deutschland. Poster. Mutations in the Heme Exporter FLVCR1 Cause Sensory Neurodegeneration with Loss of Pain Perception. |
2016 | GfH-Jahrestagung, Lübeck, Deutschland. Poster. Cold-aggravated pain in humans caused by a hyperactive NaV 1.9 channel mutant. |
2015 | GfH-Jahrestagung, Graz, Österreich. Poster. Compound heterozygous mutation causing HSAN2A. |
2014 | GfH-Jahrestagung, Essen, Deutschland. Poster. SCN9A related pain-disorders: expanding the mutation spectrum of this channelopathy. |
2012 | International cooperation meeting and project presentation “array-CGH in clinical genetics” at the Centro de Estudos Olinto de Oliveira, Fernandes Figueira Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. |
2012 | ESHG-Conference, Nürnberg, Deutschland. Poster. How to narrow down chromosomal breakpoints in small and large derivative chromosomes – a new probe set. |