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S Ates, A Deistung, R Schneider, C Prehn, C Lukas, JR Reichenbach, C Schneider-Gold, B Bellenberg (2019). Characterization of Iron Accumulation in Deep Gray Matter in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 and 2 Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and R2(*) Relaxometry: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study at 3 Tesla. Frontiers in neurology (10), 1320
GW Wurschi, K Kentouche, K-H Herrmann, I Krumbein, M Nold, JF Beck, JR Reichenbach, H-J Mentzel (2019). Evaluation of liver tissue by ultrasound elastography and clinical parameters in children with multiple blood cell transfusions. Pediatric radiology (49), 897-905
GW Wurschi, H-J Mentzel, K-H Herrmann, I Krumbein, JF Beck, JR Reichenbach, K Kentouche (2019). MRI as an alternative to serum ferritin for diagnosis of iron overload in children in the context of immune response after stem cell transplantation. Pediatric Transplantation, e13583
M Krämer, B Herzau, JR Reichenbach (2019). Segmentation and visualization of the human cranial bone by T2* approximation using ultra-short echo time (UTE) magnetic resonance imaging. Zeitschrift Fur Medizinische Physik
M Krämer, MB Maggioni, NM Brisson, S Zachow, U Teichgräber, GN Duda, JR Reichenbach (2019). T1 and T2* mapping of the human quadriceps and patellar tendons using ultra-short echo-time (UTE) imaging and bivariate relaxation parameter-based volumetric visualization. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (63), 29-36
E Hodneland, E Hanson, O Sævareid, G Nævdal, A Lundervold, V Šoltészová, AZ Munthe-Kaas, A Deistung, JR Reichenbach, JM Nordbotten (2019). A new framework for assessing subject-specific whole brain circulation and perfusion using MRI-based measurements and a multi-scale continuous flow model. PLoS computational biology (15), e1007073
F Wolfram, D Güllmar, J Böttcher, H Schubert, S Bischoff, JR Reichenbach, TG Lesser (2019). Assessment of MR imaging during one-lung flooding in a large animal model. Magma (New York, N.Y.) (32), 581-590
F de la Cruz, A Schumann, S Köhler, JR Reichenbach, G Wagner, K-J Bär (2019). The relationship between heart rate and functional connectivity of brain regions involved in autonomic control. NeuroImage (196), 318-328
A Joerk, M Ritter, N Langguth, RA Seidel, D Freitag, K-H Herrmann, A Schaefgen, M Ritter, M Günther, C Sommer, D Braemer, J Walter, C Ewald, R Kalff, JR Reichenbach, M Westerhausen, G Pohnert, OW Witte, K Holthoff (2019). Propentdyopents as Heme Degradation Intermediates Constrict Mouse Cerebral Arterioles and Are Present in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients With Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Circulation Research (124), e101-e114
N Jacobsen, A Deistung, D Timmann, SL Goericke, JR Reichenbach, D Güllmar (2019). Analysis of intensity normalization for optimal segmentation performance of a fully convolutional neural network. Zeitschrift Fur Medizinische Physik (29), 128-138