Notes on the initial consultation
We would like to advise you in a focused way according to the state of the art of biometric and epidemiological science. To do this, we need to understand your requirements well. You should prepare for the initial consultation using the following key points.
Scientific question: Formulate your scientific question(s) as precisely as possible ("I would like to show that ..."). What hypotheses do you want to investigate? What are the necessary steps?
Unit of investigation, number and time period: What is your unit of investigation (patient, subject, animal, ...)? Estimate the feasible number in the recruitment/survey period of your study. A statistically based number of cases can be determined during the consultation, if necessary.
Data: What data (variables) do you want to collect? What are the sources? Experience has shown that data files already available (e.g. as EXCEL tables) often have to be corrected/adjusted. Therefore, you should make the first appointment before entering your data electronically. It is helpful to create a variable overview in a separate table with a unique short name (e.g. HPV), description (e.g. result HPV test) and if necessary the codes (e.g. 0=negative, 1=positive).
Please follow the rules of data protection.
Statistical analyses/programs: As a rule, you will be advised/guided to analyze with SPSS. SPSS is available at the UKJ. Students/promoters receive a temporary license at the University Computer Center.