Doctoral students are expected to participate in the activities of their respective groups and departments, to attend the announced lecture series and progress reports, to complete method and soft skill courses, to have regular meetings with their thesis committees, and to submit annual reports about their work. It is the responsibility of the doctoral student to call the committee meetings.
The thesis committee for PhD students consists of the project leader plus two group leaders or senior postdocs outside the group of the project leader. For medical students 2 thesis committee members are required. The supervisor and the thesis committee will monitor the quality and progress of the PhD project. The committee will advise and help the PhD student and sort out potentially occurring disagreements. The committee can be contacted whenever appropriate or necessary.
The tables below announce the requirements that have to be met to receive a certificate of the Graduate Program Experimental Medicine at the end of the doctoral studies. The participants need to complete all mandatory events or tasks and in addition two (PhD) or one (MD) out of six elective activities per year. The participation in the different events and the different activities has to be listed and to be confirmed by the project leader. The sum of the required activities per 3 years corresponds to 21 ECTS points for PhD students and 7 ECTS points for MD students (ECTS = European Credit Transfer System).