Mrowka, Ralf; Blüthgen, Nils; Fähling, Michael.
Seed based systematic discovery of specific transcription factor target genes
FEBS Journal 2008, [NCBI]
Fähling M, Mrowka R, Steege A, Kirschner KM, Benko E, Förstera B, Persson PB, Thiele BJ, Meier JC, Scholz H.
Translational regulation of the human achaete-scute homologue-1 (hASH1) by fragile x-mental retardation protein (FMRP).
J Biol Chem. 2008 Dec 19. Epub ahead of print [NCBI]
Steege, A., Fähling, M., Paliege,A., Bondke, A.,Kirschner, K.M., Martinka, P.,Kaps,C., Patzak, A., Persson, P.B., Thiele,B.J., Scholz,H, Mrowka,R
Wilms' Tumor Protein WT1(-KTS) modulates Renin gene transcription
Kidney Int. 2008, doi:10.1038/ki.2008.194 [Full Text] [NCBI]
Kralemann B, Cimponeriu L, Rosenblum M, Pikovsky A, Mrowka R.
Phase dynamics of coupled oscillators reconstructed from data.
Phys Rev E 2008 Jun;77(6 Pt 2):066205. Epub 2008 Jun 9. [NCBI]
Mrowka, Ralf; Steege, Andreas; Kaps, Charlotte; Herzel, Hanspeter; Thiele, Bernd-Joachim; Persson, Pontus; Blüthgen, Nils
Dissecting the Action of an Evolutionary Conserved Non-coding Region on Renin Promoter Activity
Nucleic Acid Research 2007, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkm535 [Abstract] [Full Text] [pdf]
Kralemann B, Cimponeriu L, Rosenblum M, Pikovsky A, Mrowka R.
Uncovering interaction of coupled oscillators from data.
Phys Rev E 2007 Nov;76(5 Pt 2):055201. Epub 2007 Nov 9. [NCBI]
Fähling, M., Mrowka, R., Steege, A., Martinka, P., Persson, P. B., and Thiele, B. J.
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein-A2/B1 modulate collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase, alpha (I) mRNA stability.
J.Biol.Chem. 2006, 281: 9279-9286 [NCBI]
Lai, E. Y., Martinka, P., Fahling, M., Mrowka, R., Steege, A., Gericke, A., Sedenski, M., Persson, P. B., Persson, A. E., and Patzak, A..
Adenosine restores angiotensin II-induced contractions by receptor-independent enhancement of calcium sensitivity in renal arterioles.
Circ.Res. 2006 [NCBI]
Fähling, M., Mrowka, R., Steege, A., Nebrich, G., Perlewitz, A., Persson, P. B., and Thiele, B. J..
Translational control of collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase-alpha(I) gene expression under hypoxia.
J.Biol.Chem. 2006, 281: 26089-26101 [NCBI]
Lai, E. Y., Patzak, A., Steege, A., Mrowka, R., Brown, R., Spielmann, N., Persson, P. B., Fredholm, B. B., and Persson, A. E..
Contribution of adenosine receptors in the control of arteriolar tone and adenosine-angiotensin II interaction.
Kidney Int. 2006, 70: 690-698 [NCBI]
Brown RD, Thoren P, Steege A, Mrowka R, Sallstrom J, Skott O, Fredholm BB, Persson AE.
The influence of the adenosine A1-receptor on blood pressure regulation and renin release.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Dec 15; [Epub ahead of print] [NCBI]
Fahling M, Steege A, Perlewitz A, Nafz B, Mrowka R, Persson PB, Thiele BJ.
Role of nucleolin in posttranscriptional control of MMP-9 expression.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2005 Oct 15;1731(1):32-40. Epub 2005 Aug 29. [NCBI]
Patzak A, Lai EY, Mrowka R, Steege A, Persson PB, Persson AE.
AT1 receptors mediate angiotensin II-induced release of nitric oxide in afferent arterioles.
Kidney Int. 2004 Nov;66(5):1949-58. [NCBI]
Mrowka Ralf, Patzak Andreas, Herzel Hanspeter, Holste Dirk.
Sequence-related human proteins cluster by degree of evolutionary conservation.
Phys Rev E 2004 Nov;70(5 Pt 1):051908. Epub 2004 Nov 17. [NCBI]
Patzak A, Kleinmann F, Lai EY, Kupsch E, Skelweit A, Mrowka R.
Nitric oxide counteracts angiotensin II induced contraction in efferent arterioles in mice.
Acta Physiol Scand. 2004 Aug;181(4):439-44. [NCBI]
Mrowka Ralf, Liebermeister Wolfram, Holste Dirk.
Does mapping reveal correlation between gene expression and protein-protein interaction?
Nat Genet. 2003 Jan;33(1):15-16; [NCBI]
Mrowka R, Cimponeriu L, Patzak A, Rosenblum MG.
Directionality of coupling of physiological subsystems: age-related changes of cardiorespiratory interaction during different sleep stages in babies.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2003 Dec;285(6):R1395-401. Epub 2003 Aug 7. [NCBI]
Persson PB, Skalweit A, Mrowka R, Thiele BJ.
Control of renin synthesis. Rewiew
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2003 Sep;285(3):R491-7. [NCBI]
Mrowka R, Steinhage K, Patzak A, Persson PB.
An evolutionary approach for identifying potential transcription factor binding sites: the renin gene as an example.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2003 Apr;284(4):R1147-50. [NCBI] [suppl. material]
Mrowka Ralf, Schuchhardt Johannes, Gille Christoph.
Oligodb--interactive design of oligo DNA for transcription profiling of human genes.
Bioinformatics. 2002 Dec;18(12):1686-7. [NCBI]
Rosenblum MG, Cimponeriu L, Bezerianos A, Patzak A, Mrowka R.
Identification of coupling direction: application to cardiorespiratory interaction.
Phys Rev E. 2002 Apr;65(4 Pt 1):041909. Epub 2002 Mar 28. [NCBI]
Mrowka Ralf, Patzak Andreas, Herzel Hanspeter.
Is there a bias in proteome research?
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Patzak A, Foitzik B, Mrowka R, Schmalisch G.
Time of measurement influences the variability of tidal breathing parameters in healthy and sick infants.
Respir Physiol. 2001 Nov 1;128(2):187-94. [NCBI]
Mrowka Ralf.
A Java applet for visualizing protein-protein interaction.
Bioinformatics. 2001 Jul;17(7):669-71. [NCBI] [suppl information]
Patzak A, Mrowka R, Storch E, Hocher B, Persson PB.
Interaction of angiotensin II and nitric oxide in isolated perfused afferent arterioles of mice.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2001 Jun;12(6):1122-7. [NCBI]
Mrowka Ralf, Patzak Andreas, Persson Pontus B.
The complexity of heart rate in its postnatal development.
IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag. 2001 Mar-Apr;20(2):88-91. [NCBI]
Mrowka Ralf, Patzak Andreas., Rosenblum Michael G.
Quantitative Analysis Of Cardiorespiratory Synchronization In Infants
Int. J. Bif. Chaos 2000 10;11:2479-2488. [Publisher]
Mrowka Ralf, Persson Pontus B., Theres Heinz, Patzak Anderas
Blunted arterial baroreflex causes "pathological" heart rate turbulence.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2000 Oct;279(4):R1171-5. [NCBI]
Otto K, Mrowka R, Schubert E, Orlow W, Wauer RR, Patzak A.
Low-frequency respiratory rhythms in infants during the first six months of life.
Clin Physiol. 2000 May;20(3):200-11. [NCBI]
Patzak A, Mrowka R, Springer S, Eckard T, Ipsiroglu OS, Erler T, Hofmann S.
[Heart rate variability--physiology, methods of registration and application in pediatric sleep laboratory]
Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2000 Mar 10;112(5):234-50. Review. German .[NCBI]
Stauss HM, Nafz B, Mrowka R, Persson PB.
Blood pressure control in eNOS knock-out mice: comparison with other species under NO blockade.
Acta Physiol Scand. 2000 Jan;168(1):155-60. [NCBI]
Patzak A, Schluter B, Mrowka R, Unbehaun A, Gerhardt D, Persson PB, Barschdorff D, Trowitzsch E.
Rhythms and complexity of respiration during sleep in pre-term infants.
Clin Physiol. 1999 Nov;19(6):458-66. [NCBI]
Stauss HM, Godecke A, Mrowka R, Schrader J, Persson PB.
Enhanced blood pressure variability in eNOS knockout mice.
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Marczinek K, Hampe J, Uhlmann K, Thiel G, Barth I, Mrowka R, Vogel S, Nurnberg P.
Genomic difference analysis by two-dimensional DNA fingerprinting reveals typical changes in human low-grade gliomas.
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Hampe J, Mrowka R, Marczinek K, Nurnberg P.
A novel standardization method for two-dimensional DNA fingerprints.
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Patzak A, Schluter B, Orlow W, Mrowka R, Gerhardt D, Schubert E, Persson PB, Barschdorff D, Trowitzsch E.
Linear and nonlinear properties of heart rate control in infants at risk.
Am J Physiol. 1997 Aug;273(2 Pt 2):R540-7. [NCBI]
Patzak A, Lipke K, Orlow W, Mrowka R, Stauss H, Windt E, Persson PB, Schubert E.
Development of heart rate power spectra reveals neonatal peculiarities of cardiorespiratory control.
Am J Physiol. 1996 Oct;271(4 Pt 2):R1025-32. [NCBI]
Schubert E, Unbehaun A, Mrowka R, Patzak A.
Developmental aspects of the interaction between the controls of heart rate and respiratory rhythm--linear and nonlinear components of diverse activity states in childhood.
Bratisl Lek Listy. 1996 Sep;97(9):510-5. [NCBI]
Unbehaun A, Mrowka R, Schubert E, Patzak A, Schwarz V.
Interaction of heart-rate fluctuations and respiration in 12 to 14-year-old children during sleeping and waking.
J Auton Nerv Syst. 1996 Mar 7;57(3):141-3. [NCBI]
Mrowka R, Patzak A, Schubert E, Persson PB.
Linear and non-linear properties of heart rate in postnatal maturation.
Cardiovasc Res. 1996 Mar;31(3):447-54. [NCBI]
Patzak A, Orlow W, Mrowka R, Schluter B, Trowitzsch E, Gerhardt D, Barschdorff D, Schubert E.
Heart rate control in infants at risk.
J Electrocardiol. 1996;29 Suppl:214. No abstract available .[NCBI]
Unbehaun A, Patzak A, Mrowka R, Stangenberg U, Schwarz V, Schubert E.
[Sleep structure in relation to respiration and heart rate in children in puberty]
Wien Med Wochenschr. 1996;146(13-14):329-31. German .[NCBI]
Mrowka Ralf, Unbehaun Axel, Schubert Ernst, Patzak Andreas.
[Nonlinear dynamics in regulation of heart rate in healthy infants]
Wien Med Wochenschr. 1996;146(13-14):313-6. German .[NCBI
Wagner CD, Mrowka R, Nafz B, Persson PB.
Complexity and "chaos" in blood pressure after baroreceptor denervation of conscious dogs.
Am J Physiol. 1995 Nov;269(5 Pt 2):H1760-6.[NCBI]
Stauss HM, Mrowka R, Nafz B, Patzak A, Unger T, Persson PB.
Does low frequency power of arterial blood pressure reflect sympathetic tone?
J Auton Nerv Syst. 1995 Aug 4;54(2):145-54. [NCBI]
Patzak Andreas, Mrowka Ralf, Lewinsohn Dirk, Schubert Ernst.
[Development of heart rate in newborn infants during quiet sleep]
Wien Med Wochenschr. 1995;145(17-18):487-9. German. [NCBI]
Unbehaun A, Mrowka R, Schwarz V, Patzak A, Lewinsohn D, Schubert E.
[Correlation between respiration and heart rate in 12- to 14-year-old children during sleep and wakefulness]
Wien Med Wochenschr. 1995;145(17-18):467-9. German. [NCBI]