After the Master's thesis ...
Of course, passing all modules in the M.Sc. programme Medical Photonics, performing exciting experiments during your research internship and your practical work on the master's thesis, writing a convincing, captivating thesis in good and clear English and presenting your breakthrough results in the defense should be the primary goals you want to achieve in the Medical Photonics programme.
But, nevertheless you might want to spend some thought on what you want to do after you have finished your thesis and "survived" the oral presentation. Hopefully, many of you will decide to start a Ph.D. work in one of the institutes of the Friedrich-Schiller University, at the University hospital or at some of the research institutes associated with the university. Some of you might want to apply elsewhere. But, how can you find a good job position? How do you apply? How do you write the application letter? How do you brush up your CV? How should you structure your CV when applying for job positions in Germany. This might differ from CV standards you are used to in your country. How do you present yourself in a job interview?
The "Career Point" team of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena is ready to help you with these tasks. Have, a look at their website to get an overview of the services they offer.
Please note, that the "Career Point" team of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena is also offering several courses which were created to give you useful tips and tricks for your job aoolication. Have a look on the Career Point event website to get an overview of the upcoming events.
The next event takes place on Dec 7th at 16.00 p.m. and is about "Headhunting young talents of all disciplines".