Winter term 2020/2021
Dear students,
in this and the last year the corona virus pandemic affected most of our daily activities including the way we had to organize teaching. Most of the lectures were presented as video lectures or were organized via zoom. Having effective vaccinations against COVID-19 will allow us to switch back to more on-site teaching.
Nevertheless, we will have to stick to safety rules for all on-site events (including lectures, seminars, practical courses or examinations). These rules include:
- A suitable face mask (medical mask or FFP2-mask) must be worn throughout all metings without any exception. Nose and mouth must be entirely covered by the mask.
- Every student participating must have been vaccinated, or recovered from COVID-19 or been tested (the “3-G Principle” in German, for “geimpft/genesen/getestet”). Every student must provide proof that at least one of these creteria is met. Lecturers are advised to check the status at the beginning of each lecture or course. The security service that already operates at the University of Jena will carry out random 3-G checks to verify the vaccinated/tested/recovered status
of people on campus - Each student participating in an on-site meeting must participate in contact tracing via the app QRoniton.
Students who have not yet been vaccinated are highly recommended to get a vaccination as soon as possible. Currently, there are several options for students to receive a Covid-19 vaccination, regardless of whether they are already registered. Details about vaccination options can be found on the website of the Friedrich-Schiller-University.