Experimental Trauma Surgery
Musculoskeletal disorders have been the main reason for incapacitated days for years. Our group's research focuses on musculoskeletal disorders that result in dysfunction, pain and disability. Our goal is to elucidate the mechanisms that affect tissue degeneration and regeneration, with particular attention to bone, tendon and cartilage tissue. We are also interested in optimizing materials / implants to reduce the risk of material-related infections, which are serious complications in orthopedic surgery. For our studies we use human tissue and cells as well as the material from well-defined animal models. The main methods used in the various projects include gene expression analysis, protein assays, histology and immunohistochemistry, various cell culture models and a set-up for mechanical stimulation of cells in vitro. During the practical period, the student is involved in one of the ongoing projects and carries out a small project under the supervision of a team member.
- Borcherding at al. Materials 2019; doi:10.3390/ma12233838
- www.flexcellint.com