Please download the final program here (PDF).
Sunday, 26th June | |
18.00 | Get together and dinner |
Introduction |
C. Geis (Jena University Hospital) |
19.30 | Keynote lecture: J. Dalmau (University of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, ES) |
Monday, 27th June | |
09.00 | Welcome address: C. Geis, F. Leypoldt |
09.15 - 10.30 | Session 1: Pathomechanisms of LGI1 encephalitis |
Chair | A. Kaindl (Charité Berlin) |
09.15 | S. Irani (Oxford University, UK) |
09.45 | M. Fukata (NIPS, JP) |
10.15 | S. Hallermann (University of Leipzig) |
10.30 | Coffee break |
11.00 - 11.45 | Session 2: Immunology |
Chair | S. Irani (Oxford University, UK) |
11.00 | H. Wardemann (DKFZ Heidelberg) |
11.15 | H. Prüß (Charité Berlin) |
11.30 | T. Kirmann (University of Leipzig) & Stephan Steinke (Technical University of Braunschweig) |
11.45 | Lunch break |
13.00 - 14.00 | Session 3: Genetics of autoimmune encephalitis |
Chair | F. Leypoldt (UKSH & Kiel University) |
13.00 | E. Mignot (Stanford, US) |
13.30 | A. Tietz (University of Kiel) |
13.45 | N. Melzer (University of Düsseldorf) |
14.00 - 14.45 | Session 4: CNS immunopathology |
Chair | C. Sommer (University of Würzburg) |
14.00 | C. Stadelmann-Nessler (University of Göttingen) |
14.30 | R. Höftberger (University of Vienna, AT) |
14.45 - 16.45 | Coffee break and poster session |
Introduction | F. Leypoldt (UKSH & Kiel University) |
16.45 - 18.00 | Keynote tandem lecture: S. Fillatreau (INSERM, Paris, FR), A. Scheffold (University of Kiel) |
18.30 | Boat cruise on the Starnberger See and dinner (depending on pandemic situation) |
Tuesday, 28th June | |
09.00 - 10.30 | Session 5: Investigating synaptic pathology at high spatial and temporal resolution |
Chair | R. Shigemoto (IST Klosterneuburg, Austria) |
09.00 | E. Hosy (CNRS Bordeaux, FR) |
09.30 | C. Villmann (University of Würzburg) |
09.45 | M. Sauer (University of Würzburg) |
10.00 | C. Geis (Jena University Hospital) |
10.15 | Coffee break |
10.45 - 12.30 | Session 6: Autoimmune encephalitis: Clinics, Imaging & Therapy |
Chair | J. Dalmau (University of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, ES) |
10.45 | M. Titulaer (University of Rotterdam) |
11.15 | C. Finke (Charité Berlin) |
11.30 | T. Grueter (University Bochum) |
11.45 | J. Lewerenz (University Bochum) |
12.00 | F. Thaler (LM University München) |
12.15 | J. Wickel (Jena University Hospital) |
12.30 | Lunch break |
13.30 - 14.30 | Young investigator pitches (6 Speaker) |
Chair | C. Geis ( Jena University Hospital) |
Introduction | M. Heckmann (University of Würzburg) |
14.30 - 15.30 | Keynote lecture: H. Furukawa (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, US) |
15.30 - 16.30 | Coffee break and poster session |
16.30 - 18.00 | Session 7: NMDA receptor pathology |
Chair | L. Groc (CNRS Bordeaux, FR) |
16.30 | L. Groc (CNRS Bordeaux, FR) |
17.00 | S. K. Wright (University, Birmingham, UK) |
17.30 | K. Kirmse (University of Würzburg) |
17.45 | M. Ceanga (Jena University Hospital) |
18.00 | Closing remarks: C. Geis, F. Leypoldt |
18.15 |
19.00 |
Dinner |