In this project the impact of heme and its degradation products (HHDPs) on blood vessel diameter will be investigated using the in vitro model of acute brain slices. In this context the role of Slo1-channels for the repolarization of smooth muscle cells during vessel relaxation will be analyzed. Inactivation of these channels by HHDPs are considered to be responsible for the cerebral vasospasm, a frequent consequence of subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Imaging of blood vessel diameter regulation in vitro
Setup of time-lapse video-microscopy. A Nikon FN1 microscope equipped with infrared differential interference contrast (IR-DIC). The images are recorded using an infrared CCD-camera.
Noradrenalin causes a vaso-constriction in vitro. Displayed is an arteriole in an acute mouse brain slice before, during and after application of 10µM Noradrenalin.
- Seidel RA, Ritter M, Joerk A, Kuschke S, Langguth N, Schulze D, Görls H, Bauer M, Witte OW, Westerhausen M, Holthoff K, Pohnert G (2020) Photoisomerization neutralizes vasoconstricitve activity of a heme degradation product.
- Joerk A, Ritter M, Langguth N, Seidel RA, Freitag D, Herrmann KH, Schaefgen A, Ritter M, Günther M, Sommer C, Braemer D, Walter J, Ewald C, Kalff R, Reichenbach JR, Westerhausen M, Pohnert G, Witte OW, Holthoff K (2019) Propentdyopents as heme degradation intermediates constrict mouse cerebral arterioles and are present in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Circ Res., commented by R. C. Koehler
- Joerk A, Seidel RA, Walter S, Wiegand A, Kahnes M, Klopfleisch M, Pohnert G, Westerhausen M, Witte OW, Holthoff K (2014) Impact of heme and heme degradation products on vascular diameter in mouse visual cortex, JAHA, doi: 10.1161/JAHA.114.001220.